Sunday, 20 September 2015

Combo Corner: Camerupt EX + Burning Energy

 The competitive scene in any game is no place to bring unprepared/untested combinations. However, when deck-creating, it's good to keep track of certain synergies and combinations that are available to you.

The Combo Corner is a journal or recollection of any combinations I may think of throughout the season. If I decide to revisit my thoughts - it will prove useful.

This way you'll be able to recall it easier should a combination become stronger in the future. As well as helping your knowledge of the TCG and not just the meta cards.

Camerupt EX was a card released in "XY Primal Clash" and was (and still is) looked over. And truth be told, it is not a good card... It's legitimately not in a good spot. It has a heavy retreat cost, a useless attack (Tumbling Attack) and a decent attack that can only be used once (Explosive Jet).

To be effective - Explosive Jet needs to drop about 4-5 Energies consistenly per turn to deal 200-250 damage to effectively OHKO Pokemon in the format. Not including the 1 Energy attachment per turn - this leaves a 3-4 attachment per turn.

Below are a couple of ways this flaw can be reduced/negated.

 However, the addition of Burning Energy can help with that. When this card would've been discarded, you can instead - reattach this to Camerupt. This can otherwise help reduce the weakness of Explosive Jet. However, this is slow and does require setting up as you only attach 1 of these per turn.

Assuming you have 1 Burning Energy on Camerupt and you attach 1 energy per turn, you will still require 2 energy to reuse Explosive Jet to KO an EX.

But assuming you have 2 Burning Energy on Camerupt and you attach 1 energy per turn, you will still require 1 energy to reuse Explosive Jet to KO an EX.

Blacksmith is a Supporter released in XY Flashfire allows the attachment of 2 Fire energy from your discard to a Fire Pokemon. 

In the case of Burning Energy above, Blacksmith (as your supporter for the turn) will allow your Camerupt to fire off "Explosive Jet" much easier. The weakness is (of course) you do use your Supporter for the turn.

This though can be said to be "somewhat" negated due to cards like Shaymin EX being a pseudo-Supporter.

Fiery Torch (XY FlashFire) and Scorched Earth (XY Primal Clash) are cards that allow you to discard Fire Energy for 2 cards. 

Discarding 2 Energy this way for combination with Blacksmith enables a 4 Card Draw and attach 2 Fire which can be considered as decent.

VS Seeker is a card that allows a player to re-gain used Supporters. This can be used on Blacksmith to regain Fire energy more consistently and allow for a more consistent income of energy.

Using the above method generally requires a higher energy count (to reliably/effectively) use things like Fiery Torch, Scorched Earth and Blacksmith.

As such Togekiss could also be a consideration. Looking at the top 8 cards of your deck ( Since the cards you have will be 47 or less - it will be about 17% of your deck or higher). This is a fairly large portion of your deck and with a higher energy count - you should be able to power up Camerupt quite easily.

Overall currently - Pre-Breakthrough, it is a possible thing... but not very likely to be a thing until Fire Acceleration hits.

~ Tiger

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